Past Events and Appearances

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June 30 - July 1 workshop
Newton, NJ

Saturday-Sunday, June 30-July 1, 2018
(10 a.m.-5 p.m. both days)

Bearing Witness: How to Write Your Memoir
The Tree of Health Center, 55 Newton Sparta Road, Unit 107, Newton, NJ
$225 per person
(Bring your lunch or buy it in the neighborhood.)
Register and pay here.

Bearing Witness: How to Write Your Memoir

You know your life story could help and inspire others. So write it!

Join this weekend workshop where you’ll learn how to:

The workshop is presented in a supportive environment. Our goal is your success.

The Tree of Health Center massage therapist will be available all day for neck, shoulder and reflexology to ease the tension out as your story unfolds — $1 a minute.

For more information, please contact TTOHC at (973) 500-8813 or visit

Ocean Grove, NJ

Fall writing workshop series
Saddle River, NJ

WORKSHOP: Saturday-Sunday, September 22-23, 2018
(10:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Saturday; 10:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Sunday)
WRITING CIRCLES: Monday nights October 15, November 5, November 26, December 17
(All Monday nights, 6:00-9:30 p.m.)

Mastering Memoir: A Fall Writing Workshop Series
Body Positive Works, 96 E. Allendale Road, Saddle River, NJ 07458
$360 for the workshop and circles
(Lunch on your own in the neighborhood during the workshop)
Register and pay here.

Mastering Memoir: A Fall Writing Workshop Series

In this soup-to-nuts, four-month series, you’ll explore your whole memoir journey — understanding what brings you to the page, choosing which story to tell, structuring your narrative, writing energetic prose, keeping your confidence, staying out of court, identifying your markets, and brainstorming publication options. You’ll also learn the many forms this popular genre takes, including self-help memoirs, autoethnographies, story collections, mini-memoirs, personal essays, and memoir portraits.

The workshop is trailed by four three-and-a-half-hour weeknight writing circles at which participants can bring writing to share or other questions about their projects to the table.

Bring paper and pen or a laptop. Perfect for new or struggling memoirists.

October workshop
Ossining, NY

Saturday-Monday, October 6-8, 2018
The Alchemy of Memoir
The Mariandale Center, 299 N. Highland Avenue, Ossining, NY 10561

The Alchemy of Memoir

When you write your memoir you turn your pain into healing, your confusion into insight, your life into art. And you witness the corner of the world that fate entrusted to you. Come learn to shape your story and make it sing on the page. Envision the difference your book can make. Bring paper and pen or a laptop. Perfect for new or struggling memoirists.

Rhinebeck, NY

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January 5-6 workshop SOLD OUT!
Newton, NJ

Saturday-Sunday, January 5-6, 2019
(10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday; 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday)
SNOW DATE: February 2-3, 2018

Bearing Witness: How to Write Your Memoir
Did you resolve to write your memoir in 2019? Learn how to get moving — the right way!
The Tree of Health Center, 55 Newton Sparta Road, Unit 107, Newton, NJ
$195 Early Bird Rate (on or before December 1)
** Rate goes up to $225 as of December 2 **
(Bring your lunch or buy it in the neighborhood.)
Register and pay here.
Need a hotel? Holiday Inn Express & Suites Newton Sparta is two miles away.

Bearing Witness: How to Write Your Memoir
A weekend workshop for women and men.

You’ll learn how to shape your life experiences into a compelling story. We’ll cover the four elements that must be present in every satisfying narrative — assault, abyss, awareness, and action — as well as the many forms a memoir can take. The work of fine writers will inspire you as your own best writing is evoked in a friendly and supportive atmosphere.

The Tree of Health Center massage therapist will be available all day for neck, shoulder and reflexology to ease the tension out as your story unfolds — $1 a minute.

NOTE: Workshop participants who would like support after the workshop can join a monthly writers’ circle at The Tree of Health Center. Limit: six people.

$250 per person for five-month writers’ circle series
** $225 when you sign up for workshop and writers’ circle at the same time. **
For more information, please contact TTOHC at (973) 500-8813 or visit

March-June 2019 FREE TO THE PUBLIC
Allendale, NJ

The Memoir Writer's Toolbox Series

Do you have a life story you'd like to write? With the right tools, you can do it!

Lee Memorial Library, 500 West Crescent Ave, Allendale, NJ
Free to the public
Register online here (go to March 12, click on workshop, and follow registration link) or call (201) 327-4338 to reserve your spot

Tuesday, March 12, 7:00-8:45 pm
Toolbox Series: Structure
Learn the different types of memoir writing and how to structure your story on the page.

Tuesday, April 9, 7:00-8:45 pm
Toolbox Series: Point of View
Learn the ins and out of point of view. You'll start by identifying which stories are yours to tell. Mastering point of view makes for a compelling read and keeps you out of court.

Tuesday, May 14, 7:00-8:45 pm
Toolbox Series: Scenes
Learn the art of writing scenes, a building block of narrative, and reflections, which deepen and distinguish your story.

Tuesday, June 11, 7:00-8:45 pm
Toolbox Series: Musical Prose
Learn how to animate your writing with dialogue, dialect, rhythm, and color.

Saturday-Sunday, March 23-24 workshop
Newton, NJ

Saturday-Sunday, March 23-24, 2019
(10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday; 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday)

Pathways to Publishing: A Primer for Authors
The Tree of Health Center, 55 Newton Sparta Road, Unit 107, Newton, NJ
(Bring your lunch or buy it in the neighborhood.)
Register and pay here

Pathways to Publishing: A Primer for Authors

A weekend workshop

So your manuscript is finished and professionally edited. Now what? Should you find an agent? Submit directly to a traditional publisher? Search for a hybrid publisher? If you self-publish, what’s the best platform? How do you publicize your book? You’ll learn the publishing landscape well enough to intelligently pick options that meet your goals. The workshop will be a presentation and brainstorming session on each participant’s project.

For more information, please contact TTOHC at (973) 500-8813 or visit

Friday, April 5 talk
Chester, NJ

Friday, April 5, 2019
(11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.)

The Life of a Ghostwriter
The Write Stuff Writers’ Workshop
Chester Library, 250 West Main St., Chester Borough, NJ 07930
(For more about the Writer’s Workshop at Chester Library, contact Mary Murphy at or 908-879-7612.)

Tuesday, April 23 talk
Montclair, NJ

Tuesday, April 23, 2019
(10:15-11:30 a.m.)

Building an Expansive Writing Life
Montclair Write Group Morning Writers’ Support Series
Montclair Public Library, 50 South Fullerton Ave., Montclair, NJ

(For more about Montclair Write Group events, e-mail and ask to receive the weekly e-update.)

Saturday-Sunday, June 22-23 workshop
Newton, NJ

Saturday-Sunday, June 22-23, 2019
(10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday; 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday)

Claiming Your Voice: How to Write Your Memoir
The Tree of Health Center, 55 Newton Sparta Road, Unit 107, Newton, NJ
$195 Early Bird Rate (on or before May 28)
** Rate goes up to $225 as of May 28 **
(Bring your lunch or buy it in the neighborhood.)
Register and pay here

Claiming Your Voice: How to Write Your Memoir

A weekend workshop for women and men.

You’ll learn how to shape your life experiences into a compelling story. We’ll cover the four elements that must be present in every satisfying narrative — assault, abyss, awareness, and action — as well as the many forms a memoir can take. The work of fine writers will inspire you as your own best writing is evoked in a friendly and supportive atmosphere.

For more information, please contact TTOHC at (973) 500-8813 or visit

NOTE: Workshop participants who would like support after the workshop can join a monthly writers’ circle at The Tree of Health Center. Limit: six people.
$250 per person for five-month writers’ circle series
** $225 when you sign up for workshop and writers’ circle at the same time.
For more information, please contact TTOHC at (973) 500-8813 or visit

Friday-Sunday, August 23-25
Ossining, NY

Friday-Sunday, August 23-25, 2019
(5 p.m. Friday-1 p.m. Sunday)

The ‘Me’ in Memoir
The Mariandale Center, 299 N. Highland Avenue, Ossining, NY 10561
$295 for whole weekend, including room and board
Register and pay here

The ‘Me’ in Memoir

As you write your memoir, you unleash your narrative self. Learn to recognize and encourage this version of yourself—the deepest, wisest part of you. It can reconcile your past and enlighten your present. Its emergence is the memoir writer’s most profound reward. Bring paper and pen or a laptop. Perfect for new or struggling memoirists.

Saturday-Sunday, October 19-20 workshop
Newton, NJ

Saturday-Sunday, October 19-20, 2019
(10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday; 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday)

Pathways to Publishing: A Primer for Authors
The Tree of Health Center, 55 Newton Sparta Road, Unit 107, Newton, NJ
$225 Early Bird Rate (on or before September 15)
** Rate goes up to $255 as of September 16 **
(Bring your lunch or buy it in the neighborhood.)
Register and pay here

Pathways to Publishing: A Primer for Authors

A weekend workshop

So your manuscript is finished and professionally edited. Now what? Should you find an agent? Submit directly to a traditional publisher? Search for a hybrid publisher? If you self-publish, what’s the best platform? How do you publicize your book? You’ll learn the publishing landscape well enough to intelligently pick options that meet your goals.

For more information, please contact TTOHC at (973) 500-8813 or visit

The Bearing Witness Memoir Writing Workshop, Newton, New Jersey, January 2019

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Friday-Sunday, January 31-February 2 workshop
Ossining, NY

Friday-Sunday, January 31-February 2, 2020
(5 p.m. Friday-1 p.m. Sunday)

Write Your Way to Wisdom
The Mariandale Center, 299 N. Highland Avenue, Ossining, NY 10561
$275 for whole weekend, including room and board
Register and pay here.

Write Your Way to Wisdom

Winter, the season of hibernation, is a perfect time for writing memoir — the genre of introspection. In the quiet beauty of Mariandale, you’ll identify the pivot points of your life. By crafting them into stories, you will mine their meaning and find the grace within. Bring paper and pen or a laptop. Perfect for memoirists working on essays or books.

For more information, please contact Karen Bernard at (914) 941-4455, ext. 106, visit, or contact Lorraine.

Tuesdays, April 14, 21, and 28 online series
Online via Zoom

FULL TO CAPACITY Tuesdays, April 14, 21, and 28, 2020
(2-4 p.m.)

COVID-19 Diaries: Writing in the Age of Pandemic
Offered through The Mariandale Center, Ossining, NY
Register here
(Participants will get a Zoom link and ID for the presentations)

COVID-19 Diaries: Writing in the Age of Pandemic

A three-part online series

What is the role of the writer now? To witness, process, and frame what matters amid the chaos. News stories abound, but personal stories are the intimate history of this pandemic. Share yours. Let’s come together online from wherever we are — a sickbed, the front line, the unemployment line, home, a science lab, anywhere. We will use prompts, images, and questions to jump-start new short pieces. At the end of the workshop you will learn about quality online venues where you can upload your writing now.

Saturday-Sunday, June 27-28 workshop
Online via Zoom

Saturday-Sunday, June 27-28, 2020
(10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday; 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sunday)

COVID-19 Diaries: Writing in the Age of Pandemic
Offered through The Tree of Health Center, Newton, NJ
$30 for Saturday; $30 for Sunday; $60 for both*
Register and pay here
(Participants will get a Zoom invitation to the presentations)

COVID-19 Diaries: Writing in the Age of Pandemic

What is the role of the writer now? To witness, process, and frame what matters amid the chaos. News stories abound, but personal stories are the intimate history of this pandemic. Share yours. Let’s come together online from wherever we are — a sickbed, the front line, the unemployment line, home, a science lab, anywhere. We will jump-start and write short, profound first-person pieces that explore the realities of this pandemic and its effects on the self.

Perfect for those who write journals, memoir, micro-memoir, essays, or prose poems.

SPECIAL NOTE: All writing produced this weekend can be submitted to Corona City: Voices from the Epicenter, edited by Lorraine Ash. Corona City is an anthology of first-person work by New Jersey and New York writers and photographers. All our stories and images, as a mosaic, present the living history of the virus. Proceeds from Corona City will be donated to Feeding America.

For more information, please contact TTOHC at (973) 500-8813 or visit

* If you cannot afford the registration price due to present hardship, please contact Linda Mitchell at with a line of explanation for our heavily discounted rate.

Friday-Sunday, July 24-26 workshop
Online via Zoom

Friday-Sunday, July 24-26, 2020
(7-8:30 p.m. Friday; 10 a.m.-noon Saturday; 2-4 p.m. Saturday; 10 a.m.-noon Sunday)

Writing Micro-Memoirs
Offered through The Mariandale Center, Ossining, NY
Cost: $150
Register and pay here.
(Participants will get a Zoom invitation to the presentations.)

Writing Micro-Memoirs

Does the idea of writing a memoir overwhelm you? You can still capture the essence and arc of your story by writing micro-memoirs. Learn to mine the themes and moments that have directed and defined your life. This spare but profound approach yields great personal insight and beautiful literature. By the end of the workshop you will have crafted several micro-memoirs using numerous techniques. Bring paper and pen and/or a laptop.

For more information, please email Karen Bernard or contact Lorraine.

Write Your Way to Wisdom, Ossining, New York, January 31-February 2, 2020

Friday–Sunday, October 23–25 workshop
Online via four Zoom sessions

Friday–Sunday, October 23–25, 2020
(7–8:30 p.m. Friday; 10 a.m.–noon Saturday; 2–4 p.m. Saturday; 10 a.m.–noon Sunday)

Writing Micro-Memoirs 2.0
Offered through The Mariandale Center, Ossining, NY
Cost: $150 (covers all sessions)
Register and pay here.
(Participants will get a Zoom invitation to the presentations.)

Writing Micro-Memoirs 2.0

Writing a memoir doesn’t have to feel like swimming the English Channel. There’s another way — micro-memoirs. They’re short narrative dives, up to 750 words. Each sparse but powerful micro captures in flashes the life moments and quiet events that made you who you are.

By the end of the workshop, you will have crafted several micro-memoirs using numerous techniques. Bring paper and pen and/or a laptop.

Abigail Thomas, a New York Times-bestselling author of micros, including the groundbreaking Safekeeping: Some True Stories from a Life, will join us as a guest Sunday morning.

For more information, please or contact Lorraine.

Writing Micro-Memoirs, Zoom, July 24-26, 2020


Friday–Sunday, January 22–24, 2021 workshop
Online via four Zoom sessions

Friday–Sunday, January 22–24, 2021
(7–8:30 p.m. Friday; 10 a.m.–noon Saturday; 2–4 p.m. Saturday; 10 a.m.–1 p.m. Sunday)

The Stories You’re Meant to Write
Offered through The Mariandale Center, Ossining, NY
Cost: $150 (covers all sessions)
Register and pay here.
(Participants will get a Zoom invitation to the presentations.)

The Stories You’re Meant to Write

When you choose the right stories, you never lose faith as you write your memoirs. Explore the six kinds of stories that are yours to tell—the ones life, circumstance, and destiny have entrusted just to you. You’ll also learn to appreciate and marshal the stream of treasures each story holds.

Good for writers of all levels and for those writing book-length memoirs, micro-memoirs, essays, or autobiographical poetry. Bring paper and pen and/or a laptop.

For more information, please or contact Lorraine.

Micro-Memoirs Circle II, December 2020–May 2021
Online via monthly Zoom sessions starting December 20, 2020

Meeting Dates:
1–5 p.m. the third Sunday of the month (December 20, 2020; January 17, 2021; February 21, 2021; March 21, 2021; April 18, 2021; May 16, 2021)

Micro-Memoirs Circle II

Offered through The Tree of Health Center, Newton, NJ
$275 for the series
To register and pay, or call her at (973) 500-8813

Micro-Memoirs Circle II

Micro-Memoirs Circle II is a place you can bring your micro-memoirs (up to 750 words) to get educated, quality feedback. You can also bring your questions about the genre or ask Lorraine and the group to help you brainstorm a longer work, such as a magazine-length piece or a book. Your colleagues in the circle help you stay productive. Together, you become a community that supports each other’s work before and after publication.

When you sign up, you’re enrolled for five consecutive months. The sixth month is a makeup month in case you weren’t able to attend one of the other dates. Everyone, however, is welcome all six months.

January–March 2021 Virtual Reading Series
Online via Zoom

Session 1: Saturday, January 16, 2021, 7-9 p.m.
Session 2: Saturday, February 13, 2021, 7-9 p.m.
Session 3: Saturday, March 20, 2021, 7-9 p.m.

Corona City Virtual Reading Series

Hosted by The Center at Mariandale in three sessions, each featuring different readers
Cost: Sliding scale fees
(All ticket sales go to the Dominican Sisters of Hope at Mariandale.)
Register using these links:

(Registrants will get a Zoom invitation to the sessions.)

Corona City Virtual Reading Series on Zoom

Come hear the authors of Corona City: Voices from an Epicenter read their first-person writings in this charity COVID-19 anthology. The project, which features the words of sixty-two writers and images of sixteen professional photographers, chronicles life in New York and New Jersey when were we were the nation’s first epicenter. It is a grassroots history of four months—March through June 2020—that changed American life as we knew it. All royalties go to hunger relief.

Two of our endorsers are featured during these sessions—Dar Williams, singer/songwriter, through her music; and Ramananda John E. Welshons, spiritual teacher and author, who opens with a profound meditation experience.

For more information, please or contact Lorraine.

Top: John Welshons leads a meditation. Below (top to bottom)(left to right), authors Darcey Gohring, Ali Arje, and Laura Carriere read, all at the January 16, 2021 virtual reading.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 6–7 p.m.
Montclair Write Group Free-For-All Writing Workshop Series

Online via Zoom

Lorraine will lead a mini-version of “Pathways to Publishing,” particularly highlighting the hybrid model, and answer questions from participants about getting their own projects into the marketplace.

For more about this event, please contact Lorraine.

(For more about Montclair Write Group events, and ask to receive the weekly e-update.)

Friday, June 25, 2021 awards ceremony

Friday, June 25, 2021
(7 p.m. EST)

Next Generation Indie Book Awards

Livestreamed at

The annual awards ceremony for the Next Generation Indie Book Awards goes virtual again this year due to COVID-19. Come learn about some of the greatest books published worldwide in 2020 and see Corona City: Voices from an Epicenter win in two categories–Best Anthology and Best Covid-19 Pandemic Book. The Next Generation Indie Book Awards, which has 22,000 followers on Facebook, is the largest international awards program for indie authors and independent publishers.

Saturday–Sunday, June 26–27, 2021 workshop
Online via two Zoom sessions

Saturday–Sunday, June 26–27, 2021
(noon–4 p.m. Saturday; noon–4 p.m. Sunday)

Pathways to Publishing: A Primer for Authors

Offered through The Tree of Health Center, Newton, NJ
Cost: $150 (covers both sessions) Register and pay here.

(Participants will get a Zoom invitation to the presentations.)

Pathways to Publishing: A Primer for Authors

Your book manuscript is finished and professionally edited. Now it’s time to understand the five publishing pathways—Big 4, Traditional, Small/Indie, Hybrid, and Self. This weekend you’ll get a rare inside look at how each works and meet some special guests, including publishing pros and published memoirists on a variety of paths. In the end you’ll know which pathway matches your goals.

Small breakout segments will address:

For more information, please or contact Lorraine.

Friday–Sunday, July 23–25, 2021 workshop
Online via four Zoom sessions

Friday–Sunday, July 23–25, 2021
(7–8:30 p.m. Friday; 10 a.m.–noon Saturday; 2–4 p.m. Saturday; 10 a.m.–1 p.m. Sunday)

Writing the Tangible: Portals into Memoir

Offered through The Mariandale Center, Ossining, NY
Cost: $150 (covers all sessions) Register and pay here.

(Participants will get a Zoom invitation to the presentations.)

Writing the Tangible: Portals into Memoir

You’ll learn ways to use the tangible realities of your life–homes, terroir, objects–to produce your best and deepest memoir writing. Then you’ll play with a storybuilder chart to find patterns among the pieces you produce. These new tools will enrich your current writing project and help you envision new ones.

Good for writers of all levels and those writing book-length memoirs, micro-memoirs, essays, or autobiographical poetry. Come ready to write.

Recommended: Bring pictures of places you’ve lived and environments to which you have a strong reaction, positive or negative. Also, have at least one object that’s important to you in your personal space around your computer.

For more information, please or contact Lorraine.

Friday–Sunday, September 17–19, 2021 workshop
Online via four Zoom sessions

Friday–Sunday, September 17–19, 2021
(noon–4 p.m. Saturday; noon–4 p.m. Sunday)

Writing the Body: A Weekend Retreat

Offered through The Mariandale Center, Ossining, NY
Cost: $150 (covers all sessions) Register and pay here.

(Participants will get a Zoom invitation to the presentations.)

Writing the Body: A Weekend Retreat

Our stories are stored in our cells. We physically experience the influences of genetics, gender, trauma, disability, skin color, aging, illness, and more. Through examples and exercises, you’ll learn to deepen your life writings by capturing their corporeal dimensions. The work you produce this weekend could stand alone or enrich a larger, ongoing project. This retreat is beneficial for writers of all levels and genres. Come ready to write. Enjoy this weekend online retreat over the course of two sessions on Zoom technology.

For more information, please or contact Lorraine.

Saturday–Sunday, October 23-24, 2021 workshop
Online via two Zoom sessions

Saturday–Sunday, October 23–24, 2021
(noon–4 p.m. Saturday; noon–4 p.m. Sunday)

Claiming Your Voice: How to Write Your Memoir

Offered through The Tree of Health Center, Newton, NJ
Cost: $185 (covers both sessions) Register and pay here.

(Participants will get a Zoom invitation to the presentations.)

Claiming Your Voice: How to Write Your Memoir

Poor structure is the No. 1 reason publishers reject memoir manuscripts—and readers put them down without finishing. In this newly infused workshop you’ll learn all the elements your story needs and how to order them for perfect narrative flow. Claiming Your Voice is the gold standard on how to weave your most powerful life experiences into an unforgettable book-length story. Expect an insightful, friendly, and supportive atmosphere.

For more information, please or contact Lorraine.


Friday–Sunday, February 25–27, 2022 workshop
Online via four Zoom sessions

Friday–Sunday, February 25–27, 2022
(7 p.m.–8:30 p.m. Friday; noon–4 p.m. Saturday; noon–4 p.m. Sunday)

Dear Diary: A Door to Self-Understanding

Offered through The Center at Mariandale, Ossining, NY
Cost: $150 (covers all sessions) Register and pay here.

(Participants will get a Zoom invitation to the presentations.)

Dear Diary: A Door to Self-Understanding

Diaries are distinct and time-honored contributions to autobiographical literature. Using great diaries, some classic, some recent, as inspiration, you’ll learn how to frame and write a publishable diary that packs power. As you track your own experiences and order your thoughts, a fuller version of yourself will emerge on the pages. Great for writers of all levels. Come ready to write. Enjoy this weekend online retreat in four brief working sessions on Zoom technology.

For more information, please or contact Lorraine.

Saturday–Sunday, April 23–24, 2022 workshop
Online via two Zoom sessions

Saturday–Sunday, April 23–24, 2022
(noon–4 p.m. Saturday; noon–4 p.m. Sunday)

Claiming Your Voice: How to Write Your Memoir

Offered through The Tree of Health Center, Newton, NJ
Cost: $190 (covers both sessions) Register and pay here.

(Participants will get a Zoom invitation to the presentations.)

Claiming Your Voice: How to Write Your Memoir

Poor structure is the No. 1 reason publishers reject memoir manuscripts—and readers put them down without finishing. In this newly infused workshop you’ll learn all the elements your story needs and how to order them for perfect narrative flow. Claiming Your Voice is the gold standard on how to weave your most powerful life experiences into an unforgettable book-length story. Expect an insightful, friendly, and supportive atmosphere.

For more information, please or contact Lorraine.

Sunday, May 22, 2022
Hybrid event (in person and on Zoom)

Sunday, May 22, 2022
(10:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m.)

Memoir Writing: An Introduction

Offered at the Boonton Holmes Public Library, 621 Main Street, Boonton, NJ
Cost: Free to the public
Register here.

(Virtual participants will get a Zoom invitation to the presentation.)

Memoir Writing: An Introduction

Every life, no matter how ordinary, contains extraordinary elements and taps into universal themes. No wonder the pull of memoir writing is so strong for both writers and readers. But where does a writer begin? Right here. In this workshop you’ll learn how to select and mine your own experiences—outer and inner—and shape them into a cohesive, compelling story. Using examples from established authors and prompts, you will also learn how to animate your story on the page using dialogue, description, time telescoping, and more.

For more information, please or contact Lorraine Ash.

Note: The Boonton Holmes Public Library plans to segue this pop-up workshop into an Adult Summer Writing Program where participants will have the opportunity to share their developing story in monthly gatherings. We’ll also brainstorm how to get your story the serious consideration it deserves in the literary marketplace.

Sunday, September 25, 2022
Live event (in person)

Sunday, September 25, 2022
(4:00–7:00 p.m.)

TreeHuggers Festival 2022

The Center at Mariandale, 299 North Highland Avenue, Ossining, NY
Cost: $75
Buy tickets here.
(The festival supports the work of the Dominican Sisters of Hope at Mariandale.)

TreeHuggers Festival

Lorraine loves teaching at Mariandale and is proud to be honored as one of its outstanding supporters at the festival. This annual fundraising event for the center, resuming after a two-year hiatus, is an outdoor celebration of the community and the environment. Come to Mariandale’s gorgeous campus and enjoy live music, seasonal food and drinks, handmade gifts, and fun. Join a Sunset Candlelit Labyrinth Walk at 6:45 p.m. or watch a glorious sunset over the Hudson River. (Indoor space is available in case of rain.)

For more information, or contact Lorraine Ash.

Friday–Sunday, October 14–16, 2022 workshop
Online via four Zoom Sessions

Friday–Sunday, October 14–16, 2022
(7:00 p.m.–8:30 p.m. Friday; 10:00 a.m.–noon Saturday; 2:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Saturday; 10:00 a.m.–1 p.m. Sunday)

Dear Diary: Conversing with Yourself

Offered through The Center at Mariandale, Ossining, NY
Cost: $150 (covers all sessions)
Register and pay here.

(Participants will get a Zoom invitation to the presentations)

Dear Diary: Conversing with Yourself

Diaries present the most intimate of conversations: the ones we have with ourselves. The best allow their readers to see how a self changes, moment by moment, in the crucible of some life story.

You’ll learn techniques of master diarists and ways to start and sustain your own publishable diary. Great for writers of all levels.

Come ready to write. Dear Diary workshops stand alone: each weekend offers new and different material to ponder. There are no prerequisites. All are welcome to join this virtual weekend writing retreat.

For more information, or contact Lorraine Ash.


Friday–Sunday, February 24–26, 2023 workshop
Online via four Zoom Sessions

Friday–Sunday, February 24–26, 2023
(7:00 p.m.–8:30 p.m. Friday; 10 a.m.–noon Saturday; 2 p.m.–4 p.m. Saturday; 10 a.m.–1 p.m. Sunday)

The Self and the Social Fabric: Writing Stories to Heal a Divided Age

Offered through The Center at Mariandale, Ossining, NY
Cost: $150 (covers all sessions)
Register and pay here.

(Participants will get a Zoom invitation to the presentations)

The Self and the Social Fabric: Writing Stories to Heal a Divided Age

The popularity of memoir gives us all permission to tell our stories. In this workshop we’ll look at how these stories relate to the groups we live in and among. Memoirists, citizen journalists, family historians, and group storytellers will learn techniques to tell compelling narratives of collective experiences—stories that draw forth commonalities and promote mutual and self understanding. We’ll also explore the healing potential of these stories in a contentious age.

[Lorraine’s copresenters are Jerry Waxler (The Memoir Revolution) and Jennifer Lader (Six Word Lessons for Writing Your Community’s Story), two Pennsylvania authors. As a threesome, they are billed as The Story Gatherers.]

For more information, or contact Lorraine Ash.

Thursday, June 22, 2023
In-person event

Thursday, June 22, 7 p.m.

Corona City Reading Series
Meet the Authors: Corona City

Offered at Lee Memorial Library, Allendale, NJ
Cost: Free
Register here

Meet The Authors: Corona City

Join Lorraine Ash, editor of Corona City: Voices from an Epicenter, and learn the story behind this anthology, which started online locally during lockdown and grew to win three international awards and raise money to feed the hungry.

Meet six Bergen County writers who will read their work from this groundbreaking enterprise and sign books.

Copies of the book will be available for purchase and signature. $25 cash or check only. Sale of one book funds 250 meals.

No purchase necessary.

Friday–Sunday, July 28–30, 2023 workshop
In-person retreat

Friday–Sunday, July 28–30, 2023
(5 p.m. Friday–1 p.m. Sunday)

Writing a Memoir Portrait

Offered through The Center at Mariandale, Ossining, NY
Cost: $280 (all inclusive)
Register and pay here.

Writing a Memoir Portrait

In a memoir portrait a writer focuses on another person they knew—sometimes a famous figure, oftentimes a family member or someone else in their sphere. Portraits are not biographies; objectivity is not the point. Instead others are presented through the writer’s eyes. You’ll learn to craft a portrait that reveals key truths about the person you choose, your world, and life itself. Come ready to write.

You will have time to enjoy the pool and Mariandale’s lovely sixty-one acres of land overlooking the Hudson River. You will stay in a private, air-conditioned guest room with shared bathrooms. All meals are included. The retreat begins with dinner on Friday and ends with lunch on Sunday.

For more information, or contact Lorraine Ash.

Thursday, September 28, 2023 workshop
Online via Zoom

Thursday, September 28, 2023
(6 p.m.)

Book Publicity That Makes Sense/Cents
Offered for the Montclair Write Group

Book Publicity That Makes Sense/Cents

Learn about myriad types of publicity from reviews, digital ads, and book signings to reader reviews, podcast interviews, media outreach, and more. We’ll also tackle the big questions—whether to hire a publicist, converting awareness to sales, and what actually works in the age of the Internet.

For the Zoom link to the presentation and more information about the Montclair Write Group, .

Friday–Sunday, November 17–19, 2023 workshop
Online via four Zoom Sessions

Friday–Sunday, November 17–19, 2023
(7 p.m.–9 p.m. Friday; 10 a.m.–noon Saturday; 2 p.m.–4 p.m. Saturday; 10 a.m.–1 p.m. Sunday)

The Story Gatherers Present*
Finding the Self in the Social Fabric

Offered through The Center at Mariandale, Ossining, NY
Cost: $150 (covers all sessions)
Register and pay here

Finding the Self in the Social Fabric

As human beings, we evolve in relationship to our tribes and cultures and the places we have been. Memoirists who know this excel at their craft. In this workshop, you will write scenes and segments of your life story that explore how different contexts have shaped your sense of dignity and belonging. Perfect to jump-start the work of beginners and deepen that of advanced writers.

[Lorraine will address the role of place and milieu (social environment) in the formation of the self, including the landscape where you grew up—your town and your neighborhood and its components.]

* Lorraine’s copresenters are Jerry Waxler (The Memoir Revolution) and Jennifer Lader (Six-Word Lessons for Writing Your Community’s Story), two Pennsylvania authors. As a threesome, they are billed as The Story Gatherers.

For more information, or contact Lorraine Ash.


Tuesday, February 6, 2024 workshop
Online via Zoom

Tuesday, February 6, 2024
(12:00–1:30 p.m. Arizona time / 2:00–3:30 p.m. EST)

Book Publicity That Makes Sense/Cents

Offered for The Eastside Writing Room of Tucson
FREE (Limited to 30 people)
Register with Ethel Lee-Miller here

(Participants will get a Zoom invitation to the presentation)

Book Publicity That Makes Sense/Cents

Learn about myriad types of publicity from reviews, digital ads, and book signings to reader reviews, podcast interviews, media outreach, and more. We’ll also tackle the big questions—whether to hire a publicist, how to convert awareness to sales, what actually works in the age of the Internet, and how much to spend.

(This program is a repeat of what I presented for The Montclair Write Group in September 2023.)

March–May 2024
In-person workshop series

Third Mondays: March 18, April 15, and May 20, 2024
(7:00–8:45 p.m.)

Writing Mini-Memoirs

Offered through Lee Memorial Library, 500 W. Crescent Avenue, Allendale, NJ
Registration to commence in late February

Writing Mini-Memoirs

Does the idea of writing a long memoir overwhelm you? You can still capture the themes and moments that have directed and defined your life by writing mini-memoirs. They’re small but deep narrative dives—as short as one paragraph or as long as 1,500 words.

You will learn how to craft three kinds of mini-memoirs—the flash, the micro, and the fragment—using numerous techniques. This spare but profound approach yields great personal insight and beautiful literature. Each session will feature a writing lesson, writing time, and opportunities to share your work. Bring paper and pen and / or a laptop.

For more information, or contact Lorraine.

Sunday, April 14, 2024
In-person event

Sunday, April 14, 2024
(2 p.m.)

Meet the Authors: A Corona City Reading Event

Hosted by the Suffern Free Library, 210 Lafayette Avenue, Suffern, NY

Meet the Authors: A Corona City Reading Event*

Join Lorraine Ash, editor of Corona City: Voices from an Epicenter, and learn the remarkable story of humanity and synchronicity behind this pandemic anthology, which started online locally during lockdown and grew to win three international awards and raise money to feed the hungry. All 150 professionals behind this massive project are volunteers.

Six Corona City authors will read their work in this groundbreaking enterprise and sign books.

* Copies of the beautiful, full-color book will be available for purchase and signature. $25 cash or check only. The sale of one book funds 250 meals. No purchase is necessary.