Last Hurrah for Corona City
You can read more about the book on our Corona City page, or buy a copy on
Summer/Fall 2024—Corona City: Voices from an Epicenter (Magic Dog Press), edited by Lorraine, is an anthology of first-person writings chronicling life in New York and New Jersey when these two states were the nation’s first coronavirus epicenter. All royalties go to hunger relief.
So Far 72,000 Meals Served
As of this writing, Corona City, in all three editions—paperback, ebook, and audiobook—has served up over 36,000 meals. Since we’re matched by the Tony Robbins 1 Billion Meals Challenge, make that over 72,000 meals.
Final Readings a Success

Two local “Meet the Authors: Corona City” reading events—one at Lee Memorial Library in New Jersey (June 2023) and the other at the Suffern Free Library in New York (April 2024)—capped off an extensive global publicity campaign for the anthology. Visit the Media Coverage page for more on the campaign.
“Lorraine is one of those rare writers who can make any scene come alive. She has understanding and a wisdom born of experience, and she can see into the heart of a story perhaps better than anyone I know. The details she chooses when she describes or narrates are always the right ones for the piece and for the emotions involved. She's a fine journalist, a fine memoirist, and, simply put, a really fine writer.”
—Pat Carr, PhD
author of The Women in the Mirror and One Page at a Time: On a Writing Life
winner of the Iowa Short Fiction Award and the PEN Southwest Book Award